Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Well, that didn’t take long….aka Murphy comes to call

The title of my post every other Wednesday is usually “Payday Wednesday  Update,” but this week Murphy decided to visit, and that coincided with my normal payday update.
So, an unexpected car repair went into today’s bills, and the bottom line is our E-fund shrank instead of grew. I am beyond frustrated.  I managed to cash flow some of it, but had to tap savings for the rest.
It seems like any time I begin making any real headway on growing the E-fund *something* happens.  I managed to pay all our other bills and got a slight reduction in our overall debt, but the E-fund took a hit. I am beginning to think the only way it will ever be at a respectable level is if we come across an unexpected cash windfall. 
Now, I know that the purpose of an E-fund is for things like this, but it’s still extremely disheartening to never have more than a few hundred dollars at our immediate disposal. It doesn’t give us much in the way of peace of mind.  I’d like to think that I could pick up a part-time job to grow it, but I don’t see how that’s possible since I work full-time and go to grad school full-time. And my husband works full-time, then watches our daughter while I work and go to school, so that really limits his availability, too.
I guess I am going to have to find a creative way to make some extra income beyond the few snowflakes we have added through selling stuff.  ???
Anyway, I’ll update the sidebars, pitiful as they may be. And I still need to re-do our 2011 goals and get those up.  I will cover that in a seperate post.

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