Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Like many of you PF bloggers out there, I love my snowflakes and find lots of great ways to earn a little bit of money on the side. I've never really tracked my snowflakes though, and I am wondering if now might be the time to do so? For those of you who track your 'odds and ends' of money, have you found that helpful in conquering debt? And do you have a certain way that you handle your snowflake money which ensures it goes directly towards your savings or debt goals? Enlighten me, please.  :)

(I have an Ebay auction ending tonight.)



  1. Keeping track of snowflakes reminds me (like a smack upside the head) of how much the little bits of money saved here and there can add up...and how powerful those 'cents' can be.

  2. I used to send any snowflake money straight to my debt.

    I found that if I tried to keep it somewhere it would just get spent; seeing my cc balance go down, even by a little, every week really helped :-)
